On page SEO tools

On-page SEO

On-page SEO is the basic foundation to get your listings recognised by the search engines crawl bots. Without on-page SEO your items disappear in the search results, because of the competition. Interhomes Online is the only portal on todays market where all our advertisers have the on-page SEO in their own hands and control. We have designed every listing URL as a micro website. Full of relevant property information, click-rate statistics, PDF's, calendars, real time live viewers and SEO friendly. But how do you get your property URL as high possible in Google?

Search engine friendly URL and Meta title

If you are uploading your properties via XML or manual, the URL will be created as per following: https://interhomesonline.com/ 1).The city where you uploaded your property for / 2). The upload type / 3). the property title given by you / 4). details / 5). Listing ID nr. Point 1, 2, 4 and 5 will be done automaticly for you. Point 3 you can change or edit from your dashboard. The property title is equal to the meta title for search engines. Make sure you use a title as most similar possible to the keywords property finders using when they looking to get results via search engines such as Google or Yahoo. You can use this link to see how popular is a KEYWORD.

Meta keywords and Meta description

Ones you have added a great property (meta) title, you need to add meta keywords and meta description for your property. Use repeatly the same words, in that case the crawl bots will understand that your URL has relevant information for search engine users. For example you are selling a new built apartment in El Pinet Spain. You gave as title: "Turn key apartments" and you repeat the same words as keywords and in the first sentences of the meta description. Check out this example: TURN KEY APARTMENTS. If you go to a search engine such as Google and you use as keywords: " Turn key apartments El Pinet or even Turn key apartments el Pinet Spain, you will find the same property URL on page 1 within the first 5 results! Check it out: THE GOOGLE PAGE 1 RESULT. From the more than 22.000 results found by Google for these keywords, your URL is there where you want it to be: on page 1.

Optimise your on-page SEO

The property overview, the text you write for your property is SEO and HTML friendly. You can use HTML coding to optimise your on-page SEO. Crawl bots and search engines algorithm like pages where HTML coding has been used. It will improve your ranking. Use codes such has H1 header tags, to make text bold, use space between text parts and add a back-link to your own website. Basically you tell Google that you invested some time to improve the text and make the URL better readable and understandable for users. Google will reward you with a higher ranking than your competitors who are using plain text. Have a look at this: EXAMPLE PROPERTY. If you need any assistance about the codes, contact our support or take a look here for the most COMMON USED HTML CODES.

Off-page SEO

Ones the on-page SEO has been done for your property don't think that the work is finished. If you let the URL fall a sleep, Google will drop your listing in the results. Now we are done with on-page SEO we continue with off-page SEO. Depending your package our sales and account managers will do the work for you for a certain amount of properties. We will write blogs, share your URL on Facebook Groups, Facebook pages, blogs, Pinterest, Linked In, Twitter, Google+ and Instagram. If you do the same your listings will stay high in Google and the more listings you add via our platform with similar or the same title and keywords, the better your ranking. With Interhomes Online you are not only covering the global search engines using .com extensions, but we give you the opportunity to rank your listings for 6 local markets. More about our cross-over marketing find: HERE

SEO at its best!